Yes! It’s time for a fresh, new outlook on networking as we enter a fresh New Year. Why? Because the rewards of networking are so worth it – like, for example, making new friends, learning about something that interests you, and figuring out your next step toward a meaningful career. So, what is networking?
Well, one definition of the word, network, includes link, connect, and interact. So, how does this relate to the New Year and to Nutrition Science?
Here’s how: For many of us, the thought of networking is scary. Can you relate to being at an office party or professional conference mixer and feeling awkward or blanking on something to say? Or, with an important interview or presentation on the horizon, have you ever suddenly lost all your confidence, in spite of being totally prepared?
Getting interested in a career within Nutrition Science will put you in a position to link, connect and interact. And, even if your networking is a bit awkward and scary at first, there are ways to overcome this. Here’s an article about how to learn to love networking.
Nutrition Science offers many choices for your career path as does networking within the career. Here are 7 great destinations for you to link, connect, and interact as you explore a niche that may be right for you.
7 Great Networking Options
Food Marketing Institute: fmi.org
This is a non-profit organization that’s located in Washington DC. It provides all kinds of support to the retail food industry such as conferences, consumer food and behavior research and reports, and nutrition resources.
Network via twitter @FMI_ORG
Retail Dietitians Business Alliance: retaildietitians.com
This is an information, support and networking organization for dietitians who work in food retail or supermarkets. A growing field, retail dietetics involves a blend of grocery basket education, food label reading expertise, and business savvy.
Network via twitter @retaildietitian
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: eatright.org
This is the professional organization for registered dietitians and dietetic technicians registered. Along with the Commission on Dietetic Registration, the credentialing arm of AND, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, members receive resources, conference offerings, and a network of 75,000 like-minded people for friendship, learning, resources, and support.
Network via twitter @eatright, facebook , or YouTube videos.
Institute of Food Technologists: ift.org
This is an organization of information, resource, conferences, and support for all angles of the food science industry. To explore the opportunities, visit their career center.
Network via twitter @IFT or facebook.
Produce for Better Health Foundation: fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org
All things fruit and vegetable.
Network via twitter @fruits_veggies
Partnership for Food Safety Education: fightbac.org
All things to stay safe when handling, consuming and storing food.
Network via twitter @fight_BAC
Healthy Foodbank Hub/Feeding America: healthyfoodbankhub.feedingamerica.org
A partnership to help bridge the gap between hunger relief, good nutrition, and Food Banks around the country. Network via @FeedingAmerica; or facebook
Take a pledge to Power your Lunchbox
Now, it’s your turn. Get a plan going that will push you into a career that you love within Nutrition Science. Then, start networking as your way of making friends, learning, and becoming truly excited about where you are headed!
As a starting point, which networking option seems right for you?